Meet Michala

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Kathy Dirksen

PA Sales Agent | REALTOR®

License # RS224057L

Meet Kathy

Over 20 years of real estate experience has made Kathy Dirksen a tremendous resource for any and all of your real estate needs. She recently joined Curated Living and is excited to work with a dynamic team that can collaborate to provide the best experience for each client. Kathy is originally from Maine but moved to Philadelphia when she was in high school and has since lived in Michigan and California where she graduated from California State University, Stanislaus with a BS in Marketing. Being drawn back to the culture and change of seasons of the East Coast, after living in California for a few years, Kathy moved back to Philadelphia and has lived in the Philadelphia area for the past 33 years. Moving back to Philly is what inspired Kathy to get into real estate after she bought her first home and saw the true beauty of the homes in the region.

Kathy’s real estate expertise is mostly the surrounding Philadelphia suburbs. She lives in Glenside and loves the walkability of the neighborhood as well as the community oriented and family friendly values of the area. Kathy is an avid runner and is often training for marathons or other races. She also loves to hike the Wissahickon trail with her dog, go swimming or cycling and if she is not being active outside she loves to read, entertain, and travel.

Kathy’s previous roles have developed helpful skills that she regularly applies to her work as a licensed salesperson such as problem solving, listening, and putting systems in place. Building relationships is what Kathy loves most about real estate and gaining the trust of her clients is incredibly important to her. She excels at communication and prides herself on her ability to really listen to the wants and needs of her clients. She is careful to make sure that her clients are kept informed through the whole process of buying or selling their home. She seeks to be a resource that goes beyond the actual transaction and extends to any and all real estate needs throughout homeownership.

Kathy's Favorites

Favorite Coffee Shop

Elcy's - Glenside

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Favorite Boutique

Sweet Magnolia - Glenside

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Favorite Happy Hour

Cantina Feliz - Fort Washington

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Favorite Saturday Activity

Hike on the Wissahickon Trail with My Dog

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